Execute: A double edged sword and a noble mission

Kali "the destroyer" is the Hindu goddess of time and change.  Some also suggest she is a benevolent mother goddess.  Either way, the Hindus beat the surrealists for symbolism!

Kali “the destroyer” is the Hindu goddess of time and change. Some also suggest she is a benevolent mother goddess. Either way, the Hindus beat the surrealists for symbolism!

Execute: To bring to fruition, as in execute a project; to bring to termination, as in execute a prisoner.  I’m caught up in these beginnings and endings lately.  Caught up in the need to execute, on both fronts, and in awe of how my power sometimes lapses on both fronts.  To kill, and most of my experience is metaphorical here, is never easy.  There is no death—of a relationship, a dream, a desire, or the big real death—that doesn’t leave a maddening trace of possibility.  But of course, the new spring garden can’t grow until last years harvest is fully reaped, and all that remains is tilled in to nourish the next crop.  Farming metaphors, easy…actually doing it, well that’s another story.

To execute in the sense of birthing creative venture, putting pen to the page, parting the curtains that shield the soul’s window, equally daunting.  Why?  I remember a book in art school called “Art and Fear”, about the inextricable link between creative venture and temerity.  Fear of failure, or, harder to figure, fear of success.

We seem to fear the actualization of our zaniest dreams just a little bit more than we fear sinking into a well worn chair every evening, numbing out, and being able to converse about the latest series with others at the office.  The only thing worse than that, argues the weird amphibian part of our brain, is to stand out, to be different and strange, to say no and no and no way.  Because then, that ever protective amphibian reasons, we might get caught, not survive the hunt, having called too much attention to ourselves.

It’s nothing against the little amphibian that lives at the base of my brain; i’m grateful for his caution and watchful ways.  It’s brought me, and the rest of the human race, through many a famine and flight from war and destruction.  But just right this sec, I’m going to need to execute that neurotic creature, or at least dose him with a strong tranquilizer, so I’ll be a little freer to execute my deepest dreams and desires.